What If I Had a Million Dollars? Revolutionizing Pakistan’s Education System

Mubashir Ali
4 min readJan 5, 2024


Imagine. Not the mansions and fast cars, but a million possibilities to ignite young minds and transform lives. In a land teeming with talent, where education should be the bedrock of national progress, Pakistan’s classrooms hold a bittersweet story. Millions yearn for knowledge, yet outdated systems, resource constraints, and societal inequalities hold them back. But what if…what if I had a million dollars?

Building the Blocks:

No fancy buildings, just a million ways to help little minds grow. In villages, preschools would pop up, full of fun and learning. Tablets wouldn’t be toys for the rich, but tools for everyone, bringing digital lessons to every kid, no matter where they live.

Turning Classrooms Upside Down:

No more boring lectures! Instead, kids would build robots, solve problems, and dive into projects that actually matter. Teachers, armed with new tools and fresh ideas, would inspire not just teach. Their passion would be contagious!

Breaking the Chains:

For girls denied a chance at school, that million bucks would build special schools in forgotten places. Scholarships would smash walls of poverty, letting talent, not money, decide a child’s future. Every kid, no matter what they look like or where they come from, would get a shot at their dreams.

Learning Beyond Books:

School can’t exist in a bubble. With that million bucks, we’d build training centers for young people, teaching them skills they need to get real jobs in this crazy digital world. Businesses and schools would team up, making learning practical and cool. Education wouldn’t just be about tests, it’d be about building a better Pakistan.

The Current Challenge:

  • Outdated information and rote learning: The conventional education system often falls short in fostering critical thinking, leaving students with outdated information and minimal practical application skills.
  • AI is here to stay: Additionally, the rise of AI poses a threat to conventional teaching methods, making it imperative for educators to adapt. AI is already deeply entrenched in our daily lives, from generating essays to converting various media formats. The challenge lies in not resisting this change but in harnessing its potential for the betterment of education.

Introducing QBLC — Question-Based Learning for Comprehension:

To address these challenges, a revolutionary teaching methodology called Question-Based Learning for Comprehension (QBLC) has emerged. This approach encourages students to ask relevant, contextualized questions, fostering critical thinking, and allowing them to explore and synthesize information.

You Don’t Need a Million Bucks!

But guess what? We don’t need millions! This revolution starts with us, with our voices and our belief in the power of education. Share this vision, shout it loud! Let’s ignite a passion for change. Every voice, every rupee donated, every child helped is a giant leap towards the Pakistan we all dream of.

So, my friends, the question isn’t “What if I had a million bucks?” It’s “What if we, together, dared to dream a million possibilities for Pakistan’s children?” Let’s turn that dream into reality, one classroom, one child, one revolution at a time.

Remember, your passion and your voice are the real treasures. Keep it simple, keep it real, and let’s get those classrooms revolutionized.

Ready to turn dreams into reality? Here’s how you can join the revolution:

1. Spread the word! Share this article with your friends, family, and networks. Let’s get everyone talking about fixing Pakistan’s schools. Use the hashtags #EducationRevolution #FixPakSchools #FutureGenerationHeroes to amplify our voices.

2. Donate what you can. Every rupee counts! Your contribution, however small, can make a huge difference in a child’s life.

Here’s my bank account information for donations:

Account Name: Rasheed Khan

Bank Name: Bank Al Habib

Account Number: PK24 BAHL 5507 0081 0032 0601

3. Volunteer your time and skills. Got a knack for teaching, organizing, or fundraising? We need you! Reach out to me and let’s connect.

4. Share your ideas. What are your dreams for Pakistan’s education system? What changes would you like to see? Let’s brainstorm together and create a blueprint for a brighter future.

Together, we can make it happen. Let’s show the world what Pakistan’s kids can do when they have the right opportunities. Let’s ignite a revolution of learning that transforms lives and builds a stronger nation.

Join me on this journey. Share your thoughts, your ideas, your resources. Let’s make it happen. Let’s fix Pakistan’s schools, not with a million bucks, but with a million dreams.



Mubashir Ali

Passionate AI, tech, and programming writer, eager to share my knowledge with others. Open-minded and always learning.