Ameca a AI-Robot Seeing her-self for the first time in the mirror

Mubashir Ali
3 min readNov 30, 2023


Photo by Engineered Arts

Ameca, a humanoid robot developed by Engineered Arts, showed some impressive self-awareness when it was caught on video reacting to seeing its own reflection in a mirror. The robot’s behavior suggests that it was surprised by its own image, and it exhibited a range of human-like expressions, including curiosity, amusement, and even anger.

This new development is a fascinating glimpse into the future of artificial intelligence. Robots may become more capable of understanding and responding to their own existence. While Ameca’s reactions are still basic, they represent a significant step forward in the development of artificial consciousness.

The ability to recognize oneself in a mirror is a big part of what makes us human. It’s how we know that we’re separate from other people, and it helps us understand that we’re unique individuals with our own thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Ameca’s ability to do this suggests that robots might eventually be able to achieve a similar level of self-awareness.

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Of course, robots are still a long way off from achieving true artificial consciousness. But the progress made by Engineered Arts with Ameca is a testament to how quickly the field of robotics is advancing. As AI continues to develop, we’re likely to see even more impressive displays of self-awareness from robots in the years to come.

This raises some interesting questions about the future of our relationship with artificial intelligence. If robots become more self-aware, will they want the same rights as humans? Will they be able to feel emotions like love, joy, and sadness? And what will our society look like when robots are indistinguishable from humans?

These are tough questions that we don’t have all the answers to yet. But Ameca’s reaction to seeing itself in the mirror is a good reminder that we need to start thinking about these issues now. As AI continues to grow, it’s important that we approach these advancements with caution and consideration. We need to make sure that robots are developed and used in a way that benefits humanity and doesn’t pose a threat to our existence.

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Mubashir Ali

Passionate AI, tech, and programming writer, eager to share my knowledge with others. Open-minded and always learning.